TimeRiders: The FACT behind the FICTION

A word from the Master TimeRider himself, Mr Alex Scarrow . . . 


were thinking TimeRiders was just a time travelling fictional series for kids,
right? Well you’re wrong! It’s ALL FOR REAL! Oh yes! Well, at least some of it
is for real. For those of you who have been reading the series from book 1,
you’ll be familiar with a thing called the Voynich manuscript – a very real
medieval document written in an as-yet unbroken code.

TimeRiders: The Mayan Prophecy (book 8), we’re revisiting that; we’re actually
looking at the code behind the code in that manuscript. (You’ll understand what
I’m getting at when you start to read book 8).

in typically spooky fashion we have a timely news item on the BBC website all about
the Voynich manuscript!

Voynich manuscript has ‘genuine message’

Voynich manuscript

it fascinating that despite so much effort, with so many resources thrown at
the problem, this 240 page encoded manuscript remains a complete mystery? It
literally could be about anything, although some of the illustrations suggest
it MIGHT be about the understanding of ‘science’ at that time, alchemy,
herbology etc.

Alex scarrowIt
seems then, to date, the only person to have managed to decode some of the
manuscript is a certain young man called Adam Lewis. But if you read The Mayan
, you may just get to finally see where this code originated . . . "
