What to watch on TV this Christmas

From Christmas Eve through to New Year’s Day, there’s a feast of Puffin book adaptations on television this Christmas. To help you plan your viewing time, we’ve trawled through the television guide and put together the ultimate list of the best TV programmes to enjoy together this Christmas. Now you can watch all your favourite new and classic Puffin stories from the comfort of your sofa.

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Children’s Books: Give a gift of laughter


Christmas is coming, and gifts are on our mind. But what’s the best present for every good Puffin? A book! If you’re making a list, we suggest adding these rollicking reads to the top. We guarantee our selection of hilarious books will have you LOL’ing right through Christmas and into the new year.

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The Twits by Roald Dahl Quiz

The Twits by Roald Dahl
To mark the arrival of the new happy, hairy The Twits BEARDED book we’ve created a horrid little quiz. The book features a real beard – luckily without the specks of dried up food and all the disgusting things Mr Twit likes to eat.

Take the quiz and find out how well you REALLY know the gruesome twosome.

The answers are at the bottom of the page.  Don’t cheat!

We are getting excited about our #RoaldDahlDay celebrations on Sunday 13th September! Get crafty with The Twits at one of the brilliant beard boutiques popping up in bookshops and libraries across the UK. Discover all the splendiferous ways you can join in Roald Dahl Day. Don’t forget to tweet, share and send us all the ways you celebrated the day via Instagram, Twitter or email@ puffin@penguin.co.uk. Make sure you use the #RoadDahlDay hashtag. Hurray! 

  1. How old is Mr Twit?
  1. Name another Roald Dahl book in which the Roly-Poly bird appears
  1. What does Mrs Twit put in Mr Twit’s beer?
  1. What type of glue does Mr Twit use to paint the tree?
  1. What is the medical term for losing your sense of smell?
  1. What is a fear of beards called?
  1. In what year was The Twits first published?
  1. On which day of the week do the Twits have bird pie for supper?
  1. How many monkeys live in the cage in Mr Twit’s garden?

Scroll down for the answers… don’t cheat! 

  1. Sixty, 2. The Enormous Crocodile and Dirty Beasts, 3. Her glass eye, 4. Hug-tight, 5. Anosmia, 6. Pognophobia., 7. 1980, 8. Wednesday, 9. Four.

Puffin Podcast Episode 9: Jokesters & Pranksters!

Get ready to giggle! This hilarious episode of the Webby nominated Puffin Podcast is full of the best jokesters and pranksters in kids’ books. From wormy spaghetti (Roald Dahl’s The Twits) to incidents with the pet goldfish (Kes Gray’s Daisy) and an appearance from Beanotown’s original prankster, the gnash-bang-wolloping Dennis the Menace. Plus, presenter Ally McCrae orders a pizza bigger than a swimming pool, and laugh-out-loud-funny author Steven Butler prank-calls his old headmaster… none other than the King of Comedy himself, Jeremy Strong! WARNING: This programme might make your cheeks hurt from grinning so much!


[Puffin Podcast Epsiode 9:Jokesters and Pranksters]

Who’s your Puffin Prime Minister?

The time is almost upon us, puffins – the time we ask the single most important question of all: just who will be our Puffin Prime Minister?

There are five candidates desperate for your vote, and they’re all very different. Their policies are interesting to say the least and cover all the big issues – from transport and education to housing and the environment. They’ve been campaigning for your hearts all this week over on PopJam and now’s the time to make your choice.

This is bound to be the most important decision you make this year, so make sure you use your vote wisely…


Candidate 1: Dennis

  • I will scrap science lessons in schools and introduce pea-shooter lessons instead
  • Homework will be abolished
  • Poppin’ Jammy Sour Candy Toaster Tarts will be served in school canteens every lunchtime





Mr Twit

Illustrations Copyright Quentin Blake

Candidate 2: Mr Twit

  • No washing, not even on Sundays
  • All children and Muggle-Wumps to be taught upside-down
  • All trees to painted with HugTight Sticky Glue








Candidate 3: Alice

  • All food to be clearly labelled with  nutritional information and effects of consumption
  • All books to be illustrated
  • Daily daydreaming compulsory






Candidate 4: Greg Heffley

  • The Cheese Touch is banned (unless Fregley has it – that’s okay)
  • Only comic books should be read in class – no boring ‘EDUCATIONAL’ books allowed
  • Kids should be allowed to play computer games whenever they want – even if it’s the middle of the night and mom is trying to sleep





Candidate 5: Docter Noel

  • Dangerology lessons for everyone. Taught by me, Docter Noel Zone, the greatest dangerologist in the world, ever.
  • All stairs to be removed from houses so you can’t fall down. All shelves to be removed from houses so they can’t fall on to you.
  • Cycling is on the list of things that nobody is allowed to do EVER. The bicycle will be renamed the Wheel of Terror. Bicycles don’t make any sense and are far too dangerous.




Who gets your vote? #VotePuffin now!

52 Puffins – #16 Muggle-Wump (from The Twits)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite? 
Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me!and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

Mugglewump1.         Name:

2.         Famous Friends. Roly-Poly bird and
Quentin Blake

3.         Hero or villain? Mischievous

4.         Why you love him? I love the creativity
of gluing the Twits’ living room to the ceiling

5.         What’s his catchphrase? “Monkeys can’t fly!”

6.         What wouldn’t he leave the house without? Glue

7.         Tell us something we might not know He used to perform with
his family in the circus… upside down!

8.         What really annoys him? Living in a cage 

9.         What does he dream of? Freedom from Mr.&
Mrs. Twit so that he can return home to the African jungle with his family

10.      Where would you go to hang out together? In a park so we can climb trees

Thanks to Francie for this week's nomination. She's a publishing MA student at UCL; a lover of scotch eggs, London and Quentin Blake illustrations!

Every week, for 52 weeks, we'll feature one nomination right here on the blog! If you'd like to share your favourite character from a  Puffin book, them send us your answers – and don't forget to draw a picture!