From the puppeteer: Moominsummer Madness

Polka_Moomins show image

Hello I’m Claire, and I am in a puppetry show called Moominsummer Madness. The show is based on a rather brilliant book by a rather brilliant lady called Tove Jansson , who wrote lots of books for children and adults.


In our show there are four performers including myself, and we each puppeteer 2 characters. For each character we spent lots of time practicing the movement and what the voice should be like (which really was a lot of fun to do!).


In the show, I puppeteer Emma the Rat and The Snork Maiden. Emma is a mysterious character that the Moomins meet after their home is ruined by a flood. The Moomins find what they think is a floating house, which is where Emma lives. She thinks she is very important and is always busy working  and bossing people about.


My other character is very different to Emma. She is called The Snork Maiden, and despite looking a lot like one, she isn’t a member of the Moomin family (she is a Snork with a little blond fringe and anklet) but is loved by the Moomins as though she were family. She is very curious and loves pretty things and would definitely say that Moomintroll is her best friend in the entire world.

Moominsummer Madness_Snufkin and Little My_6376

In the show we sing, play instruments, act, and puppeteer, which is a lot of things to remember, so we spent 4 weeks learning & making up the show with our two directors before we opened. (Its important to tell you that during this time we also ate biscuits and cake, and drank lots of tea, which is very,  very important when working hard to make a theatre show).

We are doing the show at Polka Theatre until August 16th (by then we will have done the show about 70 times!) and it would be reeeeeeally brilliant to see you there. You can book tickets here!

 For your chance to win four tickets for the Moomin Midsummer Madness Show* and all these lovely books- simply tell us ‘What does Moominpappa wear on this head?‘  Tweet tweet @puffinbooks your answer using the hashtag #Moominsummer by Wednesday 30th July for your chance of winning! 

*transport not included, full terms and conditions