M is for Mum

How can you make Mother’s Day extra special? We’ve been thinking of fun activities, things to make and do and perfect gifts to show your mum how much you love her.

So without much further ado, we give you…

M is for Mum!

A is for A to Z of ways to make Mother’s Day Extra Special
B is for breakfast in bed
C is for chocolates
D is for drawing a picture
E is for eating all your greens
F is for fun in the countryside

G is for Grandmas (because they’re mums too!)
H is for hugs
I is for icing biscuits
J is for jumping around and dancing crazy
K is for kettle and making lots of cups of tea.
L is for LOVE
M is for making her feel marvellous
N is for new slippers
O is for old photos
P is for pampering
Q is for quiet
R is for reading together

S is for surprises!
T is for tidying up
U is for unicorns (because all mums secretly want one)
V is for being very, very, very, very helpful ALL day
W is for washing your socks
X is for XXXX
Y is for yellow daffodils
Z is for zipping through your homework

If you’re looking for the perfect treat this mother’s day, look out for our competition over on @PuffinBooks tomorrow where you could win a bundle of books for you and books for your mum!

For more great ideas, make-and-dos and competitions sign up for the monthly Puffin Newsletter, BeakSpeak!