Win a Moomin Mad Weekend

Are you ready for a Moomin adventure?

To celebrate the release of Moomins on the Riviera we’ve teamed up with the BFI to offer you your own family adventure, Moomin style.


One lucky winner will win a family ticket to the BFI’s  Film Funday Preview: Moomins on the Riviera (May 17, from 11 AM) where little ones will be able to create their own versions of Moominvalley and animation practitioners will demonstrate the art of hand-drawn animation before a special preview screening of Moomins on the Riviera.

You can then jump on one of London Duck Tours’ distinctive yellow vehicles and enter the wonderful world of amphibious travel. See the world famous sights of London, learn interesting facts about the city, and be entertained with an action packed live commentary before the thrilling splashdown onto the river Thames!

And to continue your Moomin adventures for days to come we’re offering the winner 5 beautiful Moomin storybooks to take away.

For your chance to win just click on the banner below and enter your details. Full T+Cs here.

Closing date: 7 May 2015 (23.59 pm). Winners will be notified by email on 8 May 2015. 


  • London Duck Tours Family ticket for classic tour, valid for 1 year from closing date
  • A BFI family ticket (2 adults, 2 children) for the Moomins on the Riviera Film Funday Preview: on May 17, 2015 at BFI Southbank, London. Workshop 11-12.30 and screening 1pm
  • Books: Moomin’s Touch and Feel Playbook, Moominvalley for the Curious Explorer, Comet in Moominland, Moomin Summer Madness, Moomin and the Favourite Thing.

This competition has now closed.

Trailer: Moomins on the Riviera!


Join the Moomins and friends as they leave Moominvalley behind and head south in Moomins On The Riviera, which opens in cinemas on 22 May.

In search of adventures, the Moomins, Snorkmaiden and Little My set sail for the French Riviera. After a perilous journey, they reach their dream destination where Snorkmaiden is dazzled by the attentions of a a new admirer, leaving Moomin consumed by jealousy. When Moominpappa befriends an aristocrat and adopts the name ‘de Moomin’, Moominmamma retreats to the calm of their trusty old boat to wait for her family to come to their senses and to remember their motto:

“Live in peace, plant potatoes and dream.”

The Moomin Ballet

Have you ever seen a Moomin in a tutu? This March in Helsinki (that’s the capital of Finland) the Finnish National Ballet will be bringing Tove Jansson’s story Comet in Moominland to the stage through the medium of dance. Can Snork Maiden stand on point? Is pirouetting really Moominpappa’s speciality?  But even more importantly, can the Moomins twirl themselves away from an incoming comet that could DESTROY EVERYTHING. Understandably alarmed, Moomintroll and Sniff set off on an expedition to find the Professor. On their journey they meet some interesting creatures, such as Snufkin the super tramp. While the ballet’s creators admit the costumes are more difficult to move in than their usual attire, the show promises to be magical.

It just goes to show you can express stories in lot’s of different ways – just look at all the covers Comet in Moominland had had since it first published in 1946. Which books would you like to see told through dance? Maybe you think Mr Plug the Plumber would be terrific at tap and it’s pretty obvious what Fantastic Mr Fox would turn his tail too (the foxtrot). Let us know in the comments!!

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Magical Moomin fun at Moominworld


Last year, Puffin and Waterstones ran a competition to offer one family a very special holiday to Moominworld in Finland, including a stay in a Moomin-themed bedroom at the Naantali Spa.The Chamberlains from Holmfirth in West Yorkshire were the lucky winners and they have just got back from their trip.

Moominworld Chamberlains











Oliver, aged 8 and Maisie, aged 5, said "We had a fantastic time at Moominworld. We met Mama Moomin, explored the Moomin Island and house and watched a Moomin play. We loved staying in our Moomin room at the hotel and loved Finland – it was brilliant!"

Terrible Twos-Day!

This February we’re celebrating Dynamic Double acts. There are plenty to
choose from: Hank and John Green have just finished their phenomenal tour (more
later), Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Marget Stohl is out  in cinemas tomorrow  (hold your breath) and the Dragon Frontier
boys have written us a very special post on fictional pairings (watch this

But never mind the authors, no siree! Terrible Twos-Day is all about the characters and
because its Shrove Tuesday, we thought who better to focus on then our
favourite troublemaking Finnish pancake eaters – The Moomins!


Moomintroll and Sniff  

‘Moomin and the New Friend’by Tove Jansson

MoomintrollMoomintroll and Sniff star in
Tove Jansson’s brilliant series ‘The Moomins’. In case you haven’t seen the
Moomims before, they are these white, blobby hippo-like creatures who live in Moominvalley
and like to eat and sleep A LOT. There are also some other creatures on the
island who you get to meet throughout the books, like Sniff.

Sniff looks a bit like a
mouse or a baby kangaroo and lives with his best friend,
Tove Jansson loves to follow these two rascals on various adventures and
they are always getting into trouble!

In ‘Moomin and the New
Friend’, Moomintroll and Sniff find a bottle washed up on shore with a
message inside from someone who needs help. The pair bravely decide to
set sail and find the mysterious person but end up getting caught in one whale
of a storm almost immediately. What becomes of these two silly
whippersnappers? Well, you’ll have to read the book if you want to find out.

Moomins on the waves
Lauren Watson, Penguin
Children’s Work Experience

Who’s your favourite troublesome duo? Let us know and send your ideas for
future blog posts to