20 things to do with a LittleBird (Part 2)!


LittleBirdThe number of places a little bird can take you never fails to surprise us puffins! This summer 20 of our all time favourite stories took pride of place on bookshelves across the land. But they didn’t just perch there in all their finery. They took readers to the streets of London, the wilds of Wales, under the floorboards and into the future! They certainly got the team over at LittleBird inspired (they specialise in tracking down the  best deals for families).

Here are ten ideas about how you could make a Puffin Book come to life with activities inspired by the adventures. ‘ONLY TEN’, we hear you cry ‘but you said there were 20!’ . If you want to see the next ten ideas and for your chance to WIN all 20 books in the collection head over to LittleBird’s blog.


SmithSmith – Leon Garfield

LittleBird’s activity: Visit the Museum of London and experience 18thCentury London. Visit the reconstructed Georgian Pleasure Garden– and mind out for pickpockets like Smith!


Back HomeBack Home – Michelle Magorian

LittleBird’s activity: Rusty hides out in a cabin in the woods, create your own hideout and have a go at building a den

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52 Puffins – # 7 Zach (Goodnight Mister Tom)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think its time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?  Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me!and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

1.     Name: Zacharius Wrench (or Zach for short). 


2. Famous Friends

Fellow evacuee William Beech and Mister Tom – he may have a few more at his parent's theatre!

3.         Hero or villain?

My hero.

4.        Why you love him?

Because he's lively,  ostentatious, talks A LOT and always puts a smile on the face of those around him. Plus he is Will's first ever friend – and a jolly good one he is too.

5.         What’s his catchphrase?

"Wizard Calloo Calllay!'

6.         What wouldn’t he leave the house without?

HIs red jersey and braces.

7.         Tell us something we might not know.

Zach loves tap dancing – and spends a long time trying to persuade Mrs Fletcher to introduce a routine into the Christmas play.

8.         What really annoys him?

Well he's pretty thick skinned and always sunny natured, but he doesn't like it when people tell him to shush, he's just got so much to say!

9.         What does he dream of?

Becoming a great novelist, or a pilot or an explorer or treading the boards of the theatre (he's quite ambitious)

10.      Where would you go to hang out together?

Hopefully he'd give me a backy on his red bicycle and we'd cycle all the way along the Thames, from the streets of London town to the seaside for fish 'n' chips.

Every week, for 52 weeks, we'll feature one nomination right here on the blog! If you'd like to share your favourite character from a  Puffin book, them simply print off the question form and send it back – and don't forget to draw a picture!