A new colony of Puffins!

A Puffin Book


Salutations world! Today, Thursday 3rd June is a very special day indeed. To celebrate the publication of A PUFFIN BOOK, a new-born puffling on the National Trust’s Farne Islands has been named in honour of that terrific yet humble pig ‘Wilbur’, from E.B White’s much-love Charlotte’s Web.

Wilbur The Puffling

He’s every bit as radiant as his namesake, don’t you think?

And that’s not all . . .  another new arrival is on the way. But what will the next puffling be called? Well the responsibility rests with you dear readers and feathery bibliophiles. Tweet tweet @puffinbooks or @penguinukbooks  using your preferred hashtag. Does he have the resourceful twinkle of Arrietty the Borrower? The magical spark of Gobbolino? Or maybe he’s more a wander of  the water like Tarka? You decide.

To help you choose your favourite – why not take a look at the beautiful new covers for the A PUFFIN BOOK collection, twenty timeless stories for a new generation – all with lots of hidden treasures within the Extra! Extra! Read all about it! sections at the end of every book (and if you’re on NetGalley you can download a whopping sampler filled with first chapters from all twenty of these much loved stories to help you choose what to read next).