52 Puffins – # 6 Grandpa Joe

This week's '52 Puffins' nomination comes from Helen Foster. She's 21 and enjoys reading, baking and stamp collecting. Anyone know what the official title of a stamp expert is  . . . 

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think its time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best freind every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?  Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me!and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

1.     Name: Grandpa Joe (from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Grandpa Jo

2.     Famous Friends?

Married to grandma Josephine and shares a bed with Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina . . . also claims to know Willy Wonka.

3.         Hero or villain?


4.        Why you love him?

Although he is 96 1/2 and bed-ridden he proves that there is a child in all of us when he is just as excited to visit the chocolate factory as Charlie!

5.         What’s his catchphrase?

"I've heard tell that what you imagine can sometimes come true"

6.         What wouldn’t he leave the house without?

A good reason to!

7.         Tell us something we might not know.

Grandpa Joe had not been out of bed for 20 years  - until he jumped for joy when Charlie found the golden ticket.

 8.         What really annoys him?

He is furious when Willy Wonka crushes Charlie's dream of a lifetime's supply of chocolate.

9.         What does he dream of?

He dreams of Charlie visiting Willy Wonka's Chocolate facotry which finally comes true when he finds his golden ticket.

10.      Where would you go to hang out together?

We could go anywhere in the world once we'd stepped aboard the great glass elevator.

CharliechocolatefactorycoverEvery week, for 52 weeks, we'll feature one nomination right here on the blog! If you'd like to share your favourite character from a  Puffin book, them simply print off the question form and send it back – and don't forget to draw a picture!  

Answer: philatelist 

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