Terrible Twos-Day!

This February we’re celebrating Dynamic Double acts. There are plenty to
choose from: Hank and John Green have just finished their phenomenal tour (more
later), Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Marget Stohl is out  in cinemas tomorrow  (hold your breath) and the Dragon Frontier
boys have written us a very special post on fictional pairings (watch this

But never mind the authors, no siree! Terrible Twos-Day is all about the characters and
because its Shrove Tuesday, we thought who better to focus on then our
favourite troublemaking Finnish pancake eaters – The Moomins!


Moomintroll and Sniff  

‘Moomin and the New Friend’by Tove Jansson

MoomintrollMoomintroll and Sniff star in
Tove Jansson’s brilliant series ‘The Moomins’. In case you haven’t seen the
Moomims before, they are these white, blobby hippo-like creatures who live in Moominvalley
and like to eat and sleep A LOT. There are also some other creatures on the
island who you get to meet throughout the books, like Sniff.

Sniff looks a bit like a
mouse or a baby kangaroo and lives with his best friend,
Tove Jansson loves to follow these two rascals on various adventures and
they are always getting into trouble!

In ‘Moomin and the New
Friend’, Moomintroll and Sniff find a bottle washed up on shore with a
message inside from someone who needs help. The pair bravely decide to
set sail and find the mysterious person but end up getting caught in one whale
of a storm almost immediately. What becomes of these two silly
whippersnappers? Well, you’ll have to read the book if you want to find out.

Moomins on the waves
Lauren Watson, Penguin
Children’s Work Experience

Who’s your favourite troublesome duo? Let us know and send your ideas for
future blog posts to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com