52 Puffins – #33 IKO (The Lunar Chronicles)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?  Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me! and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com 

This week's blog comes from our rather marvellous work experiencer Emma, you can find out what else she gets up to here: http://readbakestitch.blogpost.co.uk

IkoYour character’s name and the book they star in . . .  
Iko – The Lunar Chronicles (Cinder and Scarlet)
by Marissa Meyer

Famous Friends Being an android Iko doesn’t have the time, nor
skills to make a lot of friends. Her only companion is the female protagonist
Lihn Cinder. Cinder did rebuild Iko after all when the family abandoned her and
left her to rust away. 

Hero or villain? Definitely a hero! As Iko has an ID chip she can
be rebuilt into any electronic system, however big or small. In the second book
of the series she is transformed into a huge spaceship and saves the day on
many occasions. She is a pretty feisty character.   

Why you love her? Iko is funny, courageous and not afraid to give
her opinion. Even during those times when you don’t want to hear it!

What’s hercatchphrase or best quote? 

“Cinder," Iko said after a few silent
minutes of explorations. "I'm enormous.

Iko says this when she realises she has been
turned into a ship! Very funny. It must be a great shock to be transformed from
a normal size human type shape to a massive machine of warfare.   

What wouldn't she leave the house without? Considering her ID chip can be put into any
computer, I would say that Iko doesn’t have to worry about leaving anything at

Tell us something we might not know. Iko was originally going to be sold for parts,
as Cinder’s family thought that she has some sort of “personality glitch”. She
used to forget she was an android and was prone to acting like a human, even
wearing make-up on some occasions. This did not go down well with her

What really annoys her? Being ignored. Iko loves being the centre of
attention, and always puts her two pennies in whenever there is a discussion. 

What does she dream of? All she ever wants is to be treated fairly,
and would most of all love to become a human. She is almost like Pinocchio,
except her nose doesn’t grow if she lies.  

Where would you go to hang out together? In her current state I would ask her to fly us
all over the world. Being such a technologically advanced ship means she can go
as far as space. Wouldn’t that be a thrill? Parking a big flying ship might be
an issue though… 

52 Puffins – #32 Mr Wormwood

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it’s time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who’s your favourite?  Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me! and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

MrWormwoodYour character’s name and the book they star in . . .  
Harry Wormwood in Matilda by Roald Dahl

Famous Friends  Harry
has very few friends. He would probably refer to his TV set as his best friend,
mainly because it would never answer back when he says something nasty…

Hero or villain? Aside
from Matilda’s rotten head teacher, Miss Trunchbull; Harry Wormwood is
definitely the villain of the story. He neglects his children and prefers to
spend his time conning people by selling them faulty cars!

Why you love him? It
is difficult to assign any really loveable qualities to Harry Wormwood, because
honestly he has very few! What I will say is that towards the close of the
story, Wormwood shows his daughter, Matilda a rare act of kindness. He allows
her to live with Miss Honey, and accepts that she will lead a happier life with
her than she would with them. He must have some sort of heart, even if it isn’t
the right shape!

What’s his catchphrase or best quote? “I’m right and you’re wrong, I’m big and you’re small, and there’s
nothing you can do about it.”

What wouldn’t he leave the house without? Harry
would be lost without a mirror. Ever since the unfortunate incident when Matilda
super-glued his hat to his head; Harry would be somewhat disinclined to leave
the house without checking a.) He looks smart or b.) He has hair on his head!

Tell us something we might not know. Harry
Wormwood’s favourite jacket would definitely be a checkered one.

What really annoys him? Wormwood
detests books. He hates Matilda choosing to read novels rather than settle down
in front of the television. He cannot see the point in a visit to the library
when one could be looking at shiny cars!

What does he dream of? Harry
dreams of a life without children. He would probably be on a beautiful desert
island with only a mirror and an expensive suit for company.

Where would you go to hang out together? I
would probably have to go to his house because he is far too selfish and lazy
to meet anywhere that might possibly mean he has to move!


52 Puffins – #31 EcK (There is No Dog)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?  Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me! and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

Today's Puffin was nominated by the wonderful Hope who once met Meg Rosoff on the film set of How I Live Now.

EckYour character’s name and the book they star in . . .  

Eck from ‘There is No Dog’ by Meg

Famous Friends 

God! Eck is the pet of Bob, a
teenage boy whose mum won him the chance to be a God in a card game. 

Hero or villain? Hero

Why you love him? 

Despite Bob’s neglect of him as a
pet (allowing him to be gambled away to his dad Emoto Head who wants to kill
and eat him!), Eck remains faithful to his owner and you can’t help but want
one. Who needs a dog when you can have an Eck?

What’s his catchphrase or best quote? 

Seeing as Eck can’t speak, here’s
a quote about him- “Eck tilts his head and gently licks Bob's ear with his
long, sticky tongue. It is his special way of expressing sympathy and it is not

What wouldn't he leave the house without?

Food. Eck is always hungry.

Tell us something we might not know.

You can buy Eck toys from Meg
Rosoff’s website!

What really annoys him?

Eck is the last of his species,
being a penguin/lemur crossover type creature. Unfortunately for Eck, his
species has the best tasting meat in the universe (that’s 9000 galaxies!) and
people and gods are constantly trying to eat him.

What does he dream of? 

Food. Always food. 

Where would you go to hang out together? 

Another galaxy perhaps? 

52 Puffins – #30 Long John Silver

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?  Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me! and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

Today's nomination comes from Kieran who is 26 and a pizza enthusiast.

LongJohnSilverYour character’s name and the book they star in . . .  

Long John Silver, the evil pirate in Robert
Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island

Famous Friends He is sly, cunning and nasty to everyone

Hero or villain? A treacherous villain

Why you love him?  He’s not an easy character to like, but the pirates that we're familiar with today (the wooden leg, pirate hat, parrot on the
shoulder) have a lot to thank Stevenson for. He may be a nasty piece of work, but he’s the
granddaddy of all pirates and that’s why I love him

What’s his catchphrase or best quote? 

“There's never a man looked me between the eyes
and seen a good day a'terward" 

What wouldn't he leave the house without? 

Wallet, keys, bottle of rum, telescope, map
of the South Seas, cutlass and revolver

Tell us something we might not know.

He has a wife from somewhere in Africa, who
manages his financial affairs

What really annoys him?

I would imagine it’s quite hard getting up
stairs with a wooden leg

What does he dream of? 

I don’t think the sly and cunning want to
be sly and cunning forever, so I think once he has enough treasure, he would
want to stop his piracy, settle down somewhere remote and isolated with his
wife in a seaside cottage by the sea, cooking fresh seafood on a makeshift fire
on the beach and sharing flagons of rum. 
He’s just like the rest of us.

Where would you go to hang out together? 

We would begin the evening at the table of
a local beachside tavern with a bowl of olives in the middle, facing out
towards the sea.  After that, who knows…

52 Puffins – #29 Piper McLean (Heroes of Olympus)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?  Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me! and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

Piper McleanYour character’s name and the book they star in . . .
 Piper McLean,
daughter of Aphrodite and counselor of Aphrodite Cabin (from The Heroes of

Famous Friends Piper is part of the
Prophesised Seven, and is good friends with Jason Grace, Leo Valdez and
Annabeth Chase – to name a few.

Hero or villain? Definitely a hero

Why you love her? Piper is a character
that is able to simultaneously be action orientated, compassionate, witty and
determined – all whilst being super fashionable

What wouldn't he leave the house without?An extra hair tie,
having loose hair flying in your face whilst battling monsters is a sure fire
way of getting injured.

Tell us something we might not know. She was expelled from
five different schools

What really annoys her? When people ignore or
make fun of her being Cherokee

What does she dream of? Piper wants more then
anything, to spend real quality time with her father – due to his being a movie
star that means time together is pretty rare. 

Where would you go to hang out together? Piper seems like
she’d be a real blast to go surfing or snowboarding with! 

52 Puffins – #28 Juliet Butler (Artemis Fowl)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?  Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me! and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

Artemis FowlYour character’s name and the book they star in . . .  

Juliet Butler
– Artemis Fowl/The Arctic Incident/The Eternity Code

Famous Friends 

criminal mastermind Artemis Fowl, Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon squad,
and Domovoi Butler, Artemis’ Eurasian bodyguard

Hero or villain? Hero!

Why you love her? She’s an
incredible fighter but could never be the stone cold bodyguard her brother is
because she’s too fiery. She’s also hilarious.

What’s her catchphrase or best quote? 

“Don’t worry
about me, brother. I’m a modern woman. We’re tough and smart, hadn’t you

What wouldn't she leave the house without?

The jade
hairpiece that she wears at the end of her ponytail and uses as a weapon,
earning her the wrestling title ‘Jade Princess’

Tell us something we might not know.

In the
hardcover edition of ‘The Eternity Code’, the words ‘Eoin Colfer Artermis Fowl
The Eternity Code Puffin’ are printed on the spine underneath the dust jacket
in the “eternity code”, allowing a reader to decipher the coded message within
the book….

What really annoys her? 

Her brother,
Domovoi, trying too hard to protect her

What does he dream of? 

Being a
professional wrester – a dream that comes true when she leaves for America at
the end of ‘The Eternity Code’.

Where would you go to hang out together? 

Just chilling
out in Fowl Manor, watching wrestling and eating popcorn

52 Puffins – #27 Uriah Heep (David Copperfield by Charles Dickens)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?  Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me! and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

UriahHeepYour character’s name and the book they star in . . .  

Uriah Heep in David
by Charles Dickens

Famous Friends 

Heep has few friends, besides his domineering and
sycophantic mother. The pair are sly and devious, constantly maintaining their
own ‘umble subservience whilst slowly accumulating power for themselves.

Hero or villain? 

Heep is the arch villain of Dickens’ epic bildungsroman. As
a mere humble clerk, Uriah begins to poison the mind of the honest Mr
Wickfield, seeking to take his business away from him in the process. Cunning
and Machiavellian, Heep is the hated enemy of the hero David Copperfield.

Why you love him?

The attraction of Dickens’ wicked villain is largely
inexplicable. At once engrossing and repulsive, Heep’s devilish mind provides a
refreshing contrast to the earnest Copperfield, Micawber and Wickfield.
Dickens’ marvellous depiction of the ‘umble clerk makes Uriah Heep the man you
love to hate.

What’s his catchphrase or best quote? 

"I am well
aware that I am the ‘umblest person going”

What wouldn't he leave the house without?

Heep would never leave his house without his shabby clothes.
Decked out it a grubby hat and frayed overcoat, he hardly screams sartorial
elegance, and is at pains to stress his own modesty. Heep is an ambitious man
from the lower classes, and his dress sense reflects this. 

Tell us something we might not know.

At the end of the novel, Heep is sentenced to
life transportation for his dastardly deeds. We do not discover his destination,
but it is likely that Heep is sent to one of the penal colonies, such as Australia

What really annoys him? 

Nothing, it seems, riles Uriah Heep more than his adversary
David Copperfield. The novel’s villain seems wracked by jealousy at David’s
social accession from a penniless orphan to a prospering author. In the novel’s
dénouement Heep finally drops his ingratiating façade, professing his total
hatred for David:  “Copperfield, I have always hated you. You’ve
always been an upstart, and you’ve always been against me”

What does he dream of? 

Aside from his professional plotting, Heep clearly has
designs on the lovely Agnes Wickfield to be his future wife. Not content with
sneaking in to steal her father’s business, Heep is intent on taking
Wickfield’s daughter as well. 

DavidCopperfieldWhere would you go to hang out together? 

Dickens succeeds in making the prospect of spending any
length of time with Uriah Heep deeply uninviting. We are most likely to find
Heep huddled over a book in the library at the dead of night. With the
lamplight flickering across his gaunt, leering face, I’m not sure I’d stick
around too long!

52 Puffins – #26 Tinker Bell (Peter Pan)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?  Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me! and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

PeterPanYour character’s name and the book they star in . . .

The character I
have chosen is Tinker Bell from Peter Pan by James Barrie.  

Famous Friends She is friends with Peter Pan and
the Lost Boys.

Hero or villain? 

Tinker Bell is the hero in the story. She would
never do anything to hurt her friend Peter, in fact she would risk her life to
save his.  Although she can get a bit hot tempered and jealous at times,
deep down she has a gentle heart.

Why you love her?

Tinker bell is fun, full of mischief and
smart.  She loves her friends and would always remain loyal to them. She
is not portrayed as a perfect angel, but displays a range of emotions such as
jealousy, anger, love, kindness etc. And this is what I like most about her. It
makes it easy for everyone to relate to her. 

What’s her catchphrase or best quote? 

 I have always liked the phrase ”I do
believe in fairies” which is widely associated with Tinker Bell.  This
phrase isn’t just about believing in fairies, it’s about believeing in anything
because faith can make anything real.

What wouldn't she leave the house without?


Tell us something we might not know.“Tinker” is a tin worker that mends things such as pots and kettles.

TinkerbellWhat really annoys her?
 Tinker Bell considers Peter Pan as her best friend and would always go with him and the Lost Boys on adventures. But with Wendy’s appearance in the story, she feels threatened that Peter would take Wendy on adventures instead of her. Even the Lost Boys like Wendy! And this annoys Tinker Bell the most. She does not want anyone to replace her in the group.  I think that’s fair in a way.

What does he dream of? 

dreams about going on wild adventures.

Where would you go to hang out together? 

If Never Land
exists then I’d love to fly there with Tink!

Today's nomination comes from Kanwal who's studying an MSc in Strategic Marketing from Imperial College

52 Puffins – #25 Grandpa Joe (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?  
Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me!and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

Grandpa joeYour character’s name and the book they star in . . .  

Grandpa Joe in Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 

Famous Friends Charlie Bucket and Willy Wonka.

Hero or villain? 

Hero through and through.

Why you love him?

Possibly the frailest hero on the literary scene, Grandpa
Joe is much more than the conventional home-bound grandfather figure we’ve come
to know all too well.

As Dahl proves from the onset, a wrinkly exterior doesn’t
necessarily denote a weak mentality and Grandpa Joe’s youthful nature leaks
into Charlie’s narrative through both his elaborate stories and their shared
love of quality chocolate.

Long outlasting Charlie’s youthful competitors, Grandpa Joe
is the perfect sidekick for his young grandson, providing the premise for
Charlie’s infamous Golden Ticket hunt whilst sharing his grandson’s boyish glee
at the interior workings of Wonka’s celebrated chocolate factory.  

What wouldn't he leave the house without?

Bed ridden for twenty years, Grandpa Joe presumably has very
little in the way of outdoor necessities.  

What really annoys him? Selfish, self-absorbed children

What does he dream of? 

Violet tasting marshmallows, ever changing caramels and
sticky lakes of chocolate. Grandpa Joe lost his hair but not his sweet tooth. 

Where would you go to hang out together? The Inventing Room complete with its token whirring
whizzing, gleaming fizzing gum machine. Grandpa Joe I believe knows a little
more than he lets on about the factory’s interior workings… 

An intriguing insinuation there, from Laura, who wrote today's blog. Thanks Laura, this is quite brilliant!

52 puffins – #24 Lindsey Lee Wells (An Abundance of Katherines)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?  Download 52 Puffins – Questions – Download me! and send your answers to puffinblog@uk.penguingroup.com

KatherineYour character’s name and the book they star in . . .  

Lindsey Lee Wells – An Abundance
of Katherines by John Green

Famous Friends 

The Other Colin (TOC), Jeans Are
Too Tight (JATT), Short One Chewing Tobacco (SOCT), and later on she becomes
friends with Colin and Hassan. 

Hero or villain? 


Why you love her?

When we first meet Lindsey she’s
presented as quite a generic ‘popular girl’-type character, but later on we see
that her confident appearance is all a constructed façade, and that beneath the
brash exterior she’s actually a really vulnerable girl who feels like she’s
constantly chameleoning and never really acting herself in front of other
people. Lindsey’s character shows how
worries about the self that they project to others, even people
who we think have their lives completely sorted. And she’s incredibly wise –
she teaches Colin that it doesn’t matter if he never becomes world-famous or
leaves a legacy, as long as he lives a kind, thoughtful life full of loving
others and being loved.  

What’s her catchphrase or best quote? 

“That’s who you really like. The
people you can speak out loud in front of.”

What wouldn't she leave the house without?

Celebrity Living magazine!

Tell us something we might not know.

Like Colin Singleton, John Green
was dumped a lot as a teenager – 53 times before he got married!

KatherinesWhat really annoys her?

Colin’s obsession with
‘mattering’ to society really annoys her, because she thinks that a) it would suck
to be famous and b) we all matter – ‘maybe less than a lot, but always more
than some’.

What does she dream of? 

Finding her true, authentic self
and being able to share that with other people. 

Where would you go to hang out together? Hardee’s!