Read a funny extract from Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul

ZOO-WEE MAMA! The Long Haul comes out in paperback this week, and it has free limited edition bumper stickers in the back!  

The Long Haul PB_9780141354224


A family road trip SHOULD be a lot of fun…  To get you in the mood for the new paperback, read an extract from The Long Haul – EXCLUSIVE EXTRACT: Wimpy Kid The Long Haul.

A family road trip is supposed to be a lot of fun . . . unless, of course, you’re the Heffleys. The journey starts off full of promise, then quickly takes several wrong turns. Gas station bathrooms, crazed seagulls, a fender bender, and a runaway pig—not exactly Greg Heffley’s idea of a good time. But even the worst road trip can turn into an adventure – and this is one the Heffleys won’t soon forget.


Heading on holiday with your family soon? Here are a few fun Wimpy Kid activity sheets to keep you occupied on the road.




Puffin Books for Everyone







Hattie B, Magical Vet

Find out more about the books: 

9780141344621 Discover a secret world of fairy-tale creatures. On her tenth birthday, Hattie B is swept into the magical Kingdom of Bellua where she meets a little pink dragon who needs her help.

Evil King Ivar of the Imps has stolen the dragon’s magical voice and Hattie is the only one who can help her get it back.  Buy this book…

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SNEAK PEEK! Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School


The first hilarious SNEAK PEEK into Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School is here, and it’s not to be missed.

Thirsty for more Old School? You can pre-order the book here now in time for the book’s release on 3rd November – and until then, here’s a bit more information about the book as a flavour of what’s to come!

Life was better in the old days. Or was it?

That’s the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. But modern life has its conveniences, and Greg isn’t cut out for an old-fashioned world.

With tension building inside and outside the Heffley home, will Greg find a way to survive? Or is going “old school” just too hard for a kid like Greg?

Thirsty for some lemonade? Here’s a recipe for some ACTUALLY NICE homemade lemonade, just the thing for these crazy hot days. If only Greg had known…

Interview with Hannah Tointon, reader of Girl Online


It’s been a super exciting week. Zoe Sugg aka YouTube sensation and guinea-pig aficionado Zoella, published her new book Girl Online. Not only can you read it with your eyes but you can also listen to it (with your ears, obviously). That’s because Girl Online is also an audiobook! Actress Hannah Tointon recorded the story downstairs in the Puffin studio – and between chapters she took a break to tell us all about it.

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See, read and listen to The Diary of Dennis the Menace

It's been an exciting and busy week for Dennis the Menace, author Steven Butler and The Beano! Not only does The Diary of Dennis the Menace officially publish today, but Steven himself appeared in the Beano comic yesterday! Here's a peak at what happens when Steven takes a trip to the Beanotown library . . .

1-Steven Butler appears in The Beano (c) D.C. Thomson & Co. Ltd. 2014

PLUS – being a star of the West End, we thought Steven would be the perfect choice to record the audio book for us – and it is hilarious! You can have a sneeky listen to it by clicking on the SoundCloud sample below.

First ever first chapter! STARS

  The lights go down, there is a moment's silence and then the auditorium erupts. Before you can take your first bow the stage is strewn with roses and in the wings you can see a man with a Hollywood smile waiting to whisk you off to LA. What can I say, it's Friday and the mind is wandering. 

If you've even had a similar dream then Stars if for you. My stomach was in knots as I read about dance classes, friendship and auditions at the Arcadia School of Performing Arts. It's written by a father and daughter duo, so without further ado, watch Laura tell you all about it. 

We think she has the makings of a star too. But don't take our word for it, no no no. Download the first few chapters and decide for yourself Download Stars extract

Kane Chronicles book two exclusive – read the first chapter now!


Kane Chronicles logo 

Kane Chronicles: The Throne of Fire

The new title for the second book in the electrifying Ancient Egyptian series by the creator of Percy Jackson was announced on Friday – and now EVERYONE is talking about it!

Ever since the gods of Ancient Egypt were unleashed on the modern world, Carter Kane and his sister, Sadie, have been in big trouble.

In this exciting second instalment in the three-book series, the children of the brilliant Egyptologist Dr. Julius Kane embark on a worldwide search for the Book of Ra, but the House of Life and the gods of chaos are determined to stop them!

The date for all Rick Riordan fans to imprint on their brains is 11th May when Kane Chronicles: The Throne of Fire will be hitting the book shops near you! And if you can’t wait until then, you’re in for a treat . . . the first chapter is available to download exclusively from the website . . . Read it today!

Vanessa Godden
Marketing Officer