Win a bundle of brilliant books

Hands-up if you’ve started your Christmas shopping yet.  Whether everything is wrapped and stacked neatly ready for Christmas, or you’ve yet to even make a start, we can guarantee there’s still space on your wish list for a brilliant book. And for parents, there’s always those last-minute gifts and stockings to fill!

With just four weeks to go until the big day, here’s your chance to win a bundle of our must-read kids’ books. There’s something for everyone here, from the laugh outloud Diary of a Wimpy Kid – Old School, to the final Discworld adventure The Shepherd’s Crown. Hetty Feather is back for a musical adventure in Little Stars and Zoe Sugg’s new book Girl Online On Tour is a must read. For those with little ones at home The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep is the bedtime book parents are talking about – and will help to ensure an easier bedtime.


This competition has now closed. Thank you for entering. 

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