Happy Birthday, Beatrix Potter!

Beatrix Potter would be 148-years-old today so, to celebrate, we wanted to tell you about some of the amazing things this extraordinary woman did.

Potter MushroomsBefore she was a famous author and illustrator, Beatrix was best known for her work in mycology – or the study of fungi. She would go into her friends’ gardens to find rare species and spent ages drawing and studying mushrooms!

LetterBeatrix first wrote The Tale of Peter Rabbit to her friend’s son, Noel Moore, who was poorly. ‘I don’t know what to write to you,’ she told him, ‘so I shall tell you a story about four little rabbits whose names were – Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, and Peter.’ Beatrix didn’t know it, but this was going to become one of the most famous and popular children’s stories of all time.

TaleofPeterRabbitBeatrix sent the story about Peter Rabbit to six publishers – but they all turned it down! Beatrix was sure it would be a success, so she decided to print it herself. She printed 250 copies and they flew off the shelves so fast that she had to put together a second printing!

PeterRabbitThe publishers Frederick Warne & Co., who had originally turned down The Tale of Peter Rabbit, thought twice when they saw how popular the book was, and eventually published the book in 1902. Warne has published Beatrix Potter ever since.

PeterRabbitDollPeter Rabbit was a huge success all around the world, so Beatrix decided to produce more merchandise featuring her character. She created dolls, bath toys, wallpaper and even a board game! This means that Peter Rabbit became the very first licensed character – not bad work for the naughty bunny in the blue jacket!

NPG 3635; Beatrix Potter by Delmar BannerSo, congratulations, Beatrix Potter – and Happy Birthday!

Anna Barnes

Editor, Puffin Picture Books and Frederick Warne


Discover the world of Beatrix Potter on the official website.



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