Borrowers for readers big and small!

You may have noticed that this month there’s a new colony of  twenty puffins flocking into bookshops – puffins by the name of Charlotte, Stig and Arrietty in fact. We love these stories and so do our mums, and granddads and even our great-great aunties. That’s why we asked LoveReading reviewers young and . . . a little bit older. . . to tell us what they though. First, in the spotlight are those resourceful folk, The Borrowers.


Tanya &  Leoni Leoni, age 8, says

The whole time me and my mum were reading this book I was thinking ‘aw they’re so cute’ or ‘that’s cool. I wish I could do that’

I wish there really was little tiny people living under the floor in my house and I wish I was the person who found them. I’ve even got a doll house they could live in, and it’s got tiny furniture!

I loved the film and I loved the book just as much. When my mum was having my little sister and she asked me what I’d like to call her I wanted to call her Arrietty Mariella. It would have been nice if we could have been Borrowers together.

The Borrowers Leoni’s mum says

Growing up ‘The Borrowers’ was one of my favourite books and reading it again with my daughter was a lovely experience. There’s something very exciting about little people living in your house ‘borrowing’ things. I remember as a child (with an overactive imagination) when something went missing thinking we had Borrowers and searching the house for hours just incase, in the hope I might actually see one. It also gave me lots of ideas for making things for myself out of bits and pieces lying around. I’d think to myself ‘here’s a button. What could I use this for?What would a Borrower make out of it?’A truly magical, wonderful story with a happy ending and I’m glad I got to read it again.


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Which Borrowers cover did you have? Tell us your favourite moments or tweet a photo using #ShareAPuffinBook and we might just send you a new puffin so you can pass the story on . . . @puffinbooks

See original illustrations from The Borrowers and many more treasures from the puffin archives at the A PUFFIN BOOK Waterstones Summer Exhibition running throughout July and August.


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