Dandelion Clocks author blog tour

9780141348995_Dandlion ClocksThe debut novel by Rebecca Westcott, Dandelion Clocks, is published by Puffin on Thursday 6th March. To celebrate, Rebecca will be embarking on a week long blog tour, visiting seven blogs in seven days, starting today.

In Dandelion Clocks, Liv takes us on a journey through her life from “Thirteen Weeks Before” to “Six Months After”. We discover Liv’s passion for photography, her brother’s obsession with sticking to the rules, the stupidity of Moronic Louise at school, and how the family copes as Mum’s terminal illness takes hold . . . Guided by Mum’s own childhood diaries, Liv finds a new way to live.

This book is real, funny, utterly touching and absolutely heartwarming. Despite the sadness at the heart of the story, every reader will laugh and keep on turning the pages, charmed by Liv and her mum.

Join Rebecca (@westcottwriter) over the next seven days as she talks about her journey to publication; reveals her own teenage diaries and talks about the extraordinary lengths her grandmother went to to hide her diaries.

Dandelion Clocks Blog tour banner

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