52 Puffins – #16 Muggle-Wump (from The Twits)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite? 
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Mugglewump1.         Name:

2.         Famous Friends. Roly-Poly bird and
Quentin Blake

3.         Hero or villain? Mischievous

4.         Why you love him? I love the creativity
of gluing the Twits’ living room to the ceiling

5.         What’s his catchphrase? “Monkeys can’t fly!”

6.         What wouldn’t he leave the house without? Glue

7.         Tell us something we might not know He used to perform with
his family in the circus… upside down!

8.         What really annoys him? Living in a cage 

9.         What does he dream of? Freedom from Mr.&
Mrs. Twit so that he can return home to the African jungle with his family

10.      Where would you go to hang out together? In a park so we can climb trees

Thanks to Francie for this week's nomination. She's a publishing MA student at UCL; a lover of scotch eggs, London and Quentin Blake illustrations!

Every week, for 52 weeks, we'll feature one nomination right here on the blog! If you'd like to share your favourite character from a  Puffin book, them send us your answers – and don't forget to draw a picture! 

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