52 Puffins – # 15 Willy Wonka (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)

What is 52 Puffins – Waiting in the wings? Well, although we love our main characters, in 2013 we think it's time to celebrate the supporting cast: the extras with the witty one-liners, the dastardly villains and the best friend every hero would be lost without. Who's your favourite?
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Willywonka top hat1.         Name:
Willy Wonka (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)

2.         Famous Friends 

Charlie Bucket – although it is a very odd friendship
indeed as it is hard to know whether Willy actually has any emotions at all to
begin with!

 3.         Hero or villain? 

Ooooooh, I honestly couldn’t say, this is what makes
him such a great character. Regardless of what a pain Veruca Salt is can we
really say it was heroic to put her down the garbage chute?

4.         Why you love him? 

Because they are unlikely pair. They are brought
together by fate and both help to improve each others lives. Willy Wonka finally
gets companionship and Charlie and his family don’t have to be so poor.

5.         What’s his catchphrase? 

 This is
definitely an impossible choice, pretty much everything Mr Wonka says is as
imaginative and crazy as the next. Let’s use out his Coleridge inspired
description of the chocolate waterfall, ‘bubbles, bubbles everywhere yet not a
drop to drink!’

6.         What wouldn’t he leave the house without? 

His top hat!

7.         Tell us something we might not know 

Roald Dahl was unhappy when this book came turned
into a film as he thought it relied too much on Willy Wonka and ignored

8.         What really annoys him? 

Spoilt, ungrateful little kids

9.         What does he dream of? 

Copious amounts of sweets and chocolate.

10.      Where would you go to hang out together?

CharlieandthechocProbably a funfair. There is cotton candy, candy
canes, rides and excitement, pretty much everything Wonka has in his factory… 

Every week, for 52 weeks, we'll feature one nomination right here on the blog! If you'd like to share your favourite character from a  Puffin book, them send us your answers – and don't forget to draw a picture! 

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