The Snowman and The Snowdog – The Premiere

Written by our roving Snow Business reporter Fi

at Puffin Towers isn’t just about reading new
books – sometimes we get to have super sneaky peeks of other things too. This
Sunday I was one of the lucky puffins invited along to one of these super
sneaky peeks! Together we headed off to Leicester Square in London for the premiere of The Snowman and The Snowdog
which will be showing on Channel 4 this Christmas. It’s the sequel to the
classic film The Snowman
which is based on Raymond Briggs’ beautiful picture books!

The white Christmas carpet premiere

couldn’t have been more excited –  it was
like Christmas had come early and was wrapped up with my birthday. When we
arrived at the cinema we were greeted by lots of fake snow, Santa’s elves doing
magic tricks and The Snowman himself (dream achieved!)

Just when
we thought the day couldn’t get any better we found fantastic goodie bags on
our seats, which included The Snowman book and an adorable cuddly Snowdog –
check out the entire bag!


. . . And was it as magical as The Snowman?

Before I
give my verdict let me just say, that I watch the original at least a dozen
times a year – I love it! So I was expecting great things from the new film and
phew I wasn’t disappointed.

Yes it
was as good as the original, yes it was magical, yes I’m still humming the
music and as for sobbing? Well let’s just say there were a few wet tissues on
my lap as the house lights came up, so take from that what you will!

The film
is wonderful; it’s charming, enchanting and beautiful. The illustrations are
just as stunning as the original animation while still being new
and fresh.

FilmstillAs for
The Snowdog he is the cutest character I’ve seen in a film for a long time. My
only complaint? Why do I have to wait until Christmas Eve to watch it again?

You can
watch the film on channel 4 this Christmas Eve at 8pm and enter our exciting competition over on Facebook
for your chance to WIN a
still from the film!


If you
want more ways to play with The Snowman, then you’ll find everything from Buggy books to CDs and even a very seasonal Christmas Little Library right here.
