Two Glittering Awards for The Fault in Our Stars

It seems we’re not the only ones excited about The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
you are too!

Good-reads-choice-awards-2012. smallerjpg

Last Tuesday we found out that it had won Best Young Adult Fiction in The Choice Award.
What makes this award so special is that it’s chosen by readers like you guys. Over
90,000 votes were cast and almost 40,000 were for TFIOS.


Everyone in the office was really happy for John
but because he lives in America
we thought we should wait a few hours before we congratulated him (it was about
3AM over in the states). We hadn’t even picked up the phone when there was yet
more good news . . .


TIME LOGOThe man himself,
@realjohngreen, tweeted that TFIOS had been named TIME Magazine’s Book of 2012. This is a really big deal
because it means that it’s been chosen above grown-up writers like Zadie Smith
and even JK Rowling!



of the best things about working in Penguin Children’s is that we get to read
brilliant books like this. That’s the easy
part, because then it’s our job to make sure that they make their way onto as
many bookshelves as possible. We have to find ways to spread the words – and with
a story as powerful as TFIOS it’s important we do this in the right way.

We’re busy making lots of plans for January and soon you’ll be seeing its
distinctive cover everywhere, even underground. But in the meantime, you can
search the tag #TFIOS on sites like TUMBLR and Twitter. There are lots of
people talking about it, because it’s one of those books that you just have to
share (that’s a little teaser for a big campaign we’ve got planned in 2013




We don't want to give too much away, but here's John Green reading the first chapter.


To hear more from John Green you can subscribe to or
follow him on twitter @realjohngreen.

And once again, big congratulations to John and
thank you to everyone who voted!